Eight to go. And by golly two of those selections will require new reviews. Since yours truly (the man behind REVERBERATIONS curtain) has been hanging in Jersey and day tripping to the city, and visiting friends, and doing the family thing ... and since I don't have the full credits and/or optimal listening conditions for creating those reviews, we're taking a break in the
'Twenty-Five Faves' for 2011 Countdown. The countdown will resume this weekend. To the world at large this is less than arresting news, but for the brave and astute crowd who follow REVERBERATIONS I feel it necessary to offer this update and explanation.
I hope you have all had a fabulous holiday season.
Attended this exhibit at the United Nations today. Hey, it's not
only Rock 'n' Roll, but it's not just Rock 'n' Roll.
Piccolo Angolo remains my favorite spot in NYC for Italian food.
The DeKooning exhibit at MOMA was sweet ...
In stolen moments been reading Kevin Avery's
Everything is an Afterthought (Life and Writings of Paul Nelson) - highly recommended.
Alternating that with the new Don DeLillo short story collection,
The Angel Esmeralda. Also recommended.