Steve Wilson. On music.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"The Church of Jesse Malin" - a 'reprint' from "Back to Rockville" (with appreciation)

Jesse is working on a new record. I'm a fan. I dropped a few bucks into the kitty for his Pledge Music campaign to finance the record. This is the future of prerecorded music for artists with realistic ambitions and sincere aims - like listener supported radio, listener supported artistry. I love that there are still mid-size labels like Merge, Sub Pop, Matador, and In the Red who are motivated by the music, and find some way to survive, even thrive in this new music business model (whatever that is). Truly, I do. But outside of a few viable small to mid-size labels, labels that understand the artist and the audience, the old record business model and the labels that dominated it are a tiresome joke, sliding toward death.

So, if you love an artist, kick in a few bucks. Buy tickets to their shows, fork out for a t-shirt if you can afford it. Buy them a drink if they show an inclination. This is the new world.

There's a link below to a long ass piece I wrote about Jesse Malin inspired by a truly moving live performance, a Madison Square Garden calibre show in a dink ass Lawrence club, to about forty people (maybe). Rock 'n' roll, one sexy ass proposition. And I mean that in the snarkiest and most sincere way possible.
